Kategori: plastic experiment

The latest about The Plastic Experiment 2022-2023

Findings from Sweden’s largest plastic waste experiment now…

The Plastic Experiment is a nationwide Citizen Science project in which Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation, Public & Science Sweden and the University of Gothenburg have… Läs mer

Most plastic litter found on beaches reveals Swedish…

The first report of the Plastic Experiment, a citizen science project involving young people and members of the public from across Sweden, has now been… Läs mer

Whole of Sweden invited to help research plastic…

The Plastic Experiment is part of ForskarFredag, European Researchers’ Night in Sweden, and is being run by VA in collaboration with the Keep Sweden Tidy… Läs mer

Swedish school pupils help log 19,000 items of…

Plastic litter in the oceans has major consequences for humans, plants and animals, but it is a problem that starts on land. In the Plastic… Läs mer


ForskarFredags Massexperiment


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