Välkommen att besöka SciLifeLab, ett nationellt center inom molekylära biovetenskaper med fokus på forskning inom hälsa och miljö.
Centret kombinerar teknisk expertis med kunnande inom translationell medicin och molekylära biovetenskaper. SciLifeLab är en resurs för forskare från hela Sverige och drivs genom fyra värduniversitet: Karolinska Institutet, KTH, Stockholms universitet och Uppsala universitet.
Program för besöket
- 14:00 Welcome to SciLifeLab
- 14:05 Research presentations
- 15:00 Guided tours to the Genomics Platform,
poster session, meet the scientists - 16:30 End of Visit
Medverkande forskare
Renuka Kudva
Hidden figures: The tiny sustainers of life
Microorganisms outnumber human life. Yet, much of their lives and function remain unseen and waiting to be discovered. While there is a growing body of work on the human microbiome, there are few studies on microorganisms in the environment.
How does one study organisms that we don’t even know the existence of and therefore cannot culture in the lab? Next Generation Sequencing technologies aid discovery and the exploration of these creatures that live all around us.
Karin Garefelt
AI-assisted plankton monitoring with automated microscopy
& environmental DNA
Novel methods for studying plankton communities in the seas around Sweden: DNA
metabarcoding and automated microscopy. I will also give some context about environmental monitoring of the seas, and talk briefly about doing field work on research ships.
Leire Alonso Galicia
A map to study disease
What is it really that makes us human, what defects in the DNA cause diseases like cancer
and finally how it looks like to work one day in our lab using our favourite technology:
Spatial transcriptomics.
Gy 2, Gy 3
Fredag den 27 september, kl 14.00-16.30
Du anmäler din klass via Vetenskapens Hus bokningssida.
Bokningen öppnar den 30 augusti.
Tomtebodavägen 23A
Isolde Palombo
Tel: 070 161 15 04
[email protected]
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