Kategori: Press release

The latest Press releases in English

Europe’s largest science festival celebrated in 250 cities

As European Researchers’ Night kicks off today (Friday 30 September) in 250 cities around Europe, we take a look at some of the activities that will… Läs mer

Swedish pupils to research notice boards across Sweden

Press release 19 September 2015 In the last two weeks of September, more than 3,000 Swedish pupils will be out on the hunt, with their… Läs mer

Wanted: Swedish pupils to participate in pioneering research

Press release 29 May 2015 They can be found outside the supermarket, at the bus stop, at the swimming pool: public notice boards, covered in handwritten… Läs mer

European science festival celebrates 10th anniversary in 27…

Press release 31 August 2015 On 25 September it’s time for the European science festival Researchers’ Night that is taking place in 300 cities throughout… Läs mer


Press release 29 May 2015. Swedish children and teenagers are pretty diligent at eating fruit and vegetables, according to the results of a mass experiment organised… Läs mer

Swedish children to help climate scientists by burying…

Press release 9 February 2015. Is it possible to read the future in tea leaves? This is what scientists at Umeå University are hoping to… Läs mer

Swedish researchers seek pupils to help map eating…

Press Release 13 May 2014 How much fruit and vegetables do children and teenagers consume in Sweden? The Swedish National Food Agency is looking for… Läs mer

10,000 pupils assist Swedish scientists with climate research

Press release 11 April 2014. Spring is now here and it arrives earlier each year.  A warmer climate means an earlier spring and a later… Läs mer

Children to help researchers map climate change

Press release 20 May 2013 Is climate change leading to a delay in when leaves turn colour in the autumn? Pupils from across Sweden will… Läs mer

Children’s photographs reveal dangerous environments

Press release 18 March 2013 The places that children perceive to be the most risky are roads, buildings, the outdoors, their homes and playgrounds. These… Läs mer

Research by young people reveals that we refrigerate…

Press Release 16th Jan 2012 In three out of four cases, meat is being stored at a higher temperature than the recommended maximum of 4… Läs mer


Lena Söderström

070-716 06 44

[email protected]